Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A New Madrid Reminder

This morning at 3:58 local time an earthquake occurred in the New Madrid seismic zone with the magnitude of 4.  The quake was felt across a several state region and acted as an reminder that the New Madrid zone is still active and can produce earthquakes that can be felt and larger ones that can cause damage.  Ironically it occurred  a week after the 200th anniversary of the February 7, 1812 New Madrid earthquake.  For further information visit theCERI website for information and updates as they occur.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Greatest Quake of All

Two hundred years ago today the greatest of the New Madrid earthquakes occurred. The epicenter of the quake was at New Madrid, Missouri where eyewitnesses left vivid descriptions of the fury of nature that they witnessed.  Unique among them was Eliza Bryan(or Bryant) who was the only woman to leave an account of what occurred.  She was a resident of the town and would remain after the destruction of the quake and continue to live there until dying there after the Civil War.  For her description of the quake visit http://www.ceri.memphis.edu/compendium/ and press the button for eyewitness accounts, then read her biography and click on her name for the account.